Monday, December 26, 2011

1 more day...

Wow. It has been a VERY long time since I have updated this thing. I guess the best excuse would be that I have been busy, but that is only half true. I have also been lazy. So where to start?

In the past 5 weeks I have had two wonderful baby showers, celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas, finished the school semester, and finished a nursery! Oh and most importantly, I have finished growing a baby! I feel like a real stud. You know what the most exciting thing about her being fully developed is? The fact that by Wednesday night, she will be in my arms! That's right people, if you haven't caught on yet, Mike and I are having a baby!

In the past couple of weeks I have been going to my doctor every week and have been making some progress. My most recent appointment was last Monday and I was "a good 2, maybe 3 cm dilated, and 80% effaced." How exciting... it's almost like my body is ready to get her out! Last Thursday I started having some very serious and very painful contractions... I was convinced I was about to start labor, but nothing ever evolved. They continued on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I was so convinced I would go into labor on Christmas eve and spend Christmas in the hospital. Seeing as how I absolutely did not want that to happen, I was convinced it would. That would have been so typical of our daughter to come on the only day that I didn't want her to. Luckily, she was obedient and stayed in. I'm not sure who she got the obedience from cause it's definitely not a trait that Mike and I carry.

Christmas was wonderful. We were able to spend it with Mikes family and my family... which really made it perfect. Santa must have also been convinced that Madeline would be here because he brought her some really nice gifts! She tricked everyone. (By Santa, I clearly mean the grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles.)

Mike was even nice enough to buy a big FAKE tree for us, since I am allergic to the real kind.

We also got a very nice camera for Christmas, so I am ALL about pictures... Which is great, that just means this blog is going to be overloaded with pictures of Madeline from here on out!

Mike and I got a little carried away in the "nesting" phase, which is probably a good thing, because it allowed us to completely prepare ourselves for Madeline's arrival. We finally finished her nursery and we LOVE it! It seems a little bland because we weren't able to paint the walls... but it is perfect in person. So here it is...

This is just a little piece of "art" that I did, so her walls had a little more color.
We also added some photos and wrapped them in yarn...

I am totally obsessed with her crib and bedding... but my newest obsession is the canvas that "Ella" (Madeline's Cousin) made for Madeline. It is inspired from the book "Guess How Much I Love You" - also from "Ella"

Now that we have her nursery completely done and everything else ready for her, we can't wait for her to get here... Hopefully I will be able to update the blog by the end of the weekend and let everyone know how much Mike and I are enjoying life as parents. 

Hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas!